Logging Configuration
This file controls the operations related to the logging - the location of the log file, size, backup policy, trace level, and others.
You can control the trace levels per class or package.
Property | Description |
debug | true - display the configuration to standard out |
scan | true - scan this file, and reload if updated |
scanPeriod | Scan interval - "30 seconds" |
File Appender
Property | Description |
class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender |
RollingFileAppender can log to a file named log.txt file and, once a certain condition is met, change its logging target to another file.
There are two important subcomponents that interact with RollingFileAppender. The first RollingFileAppender sub-component, namely RollingPolicy, is responsible for undertaking the actions required for a rollover. A second subcomponent of RollingFileAppender, namely TriggeringPolicy, will determine if and exactly when rollover occurs. Thus, RollingPolicy is responsible for the what and TriggeringPolicy is responsible for the when.
Property | Description |
file | ${JBOSS_HOME}/standalone/log/server-j.log JBOSS_HOME is an environment variable, which is set by JBoss. |
encoder.pattern | %date{dd-MMM-yyyy;HH:mm:ss.SSS} %level [%thread] %logger{10} [%file:%line] %msg%n |
The patterns are these.
Format | Description | |
%date{pattern} %date{pattern, timezone} %d{pattern} %d{pattern, timezone} | %d 2006-10-20 14:06:49,812 %date 2006-10-20 14:06:49,812 %date{ISO8601} 2006-10-20 14:06:49,812 %date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} 14:06:49.812 %date{dd MMM yyyy;HH:mm:ss.SSS} 20 oct. 2006;14:06:49.812 | |
%level %p %le | Outputs the level of the logging event. | |
%thread %t | Outputs the name of the thread that generated the logging event. | |
%logger{length} | Outputs the name of the logger at the origin of the logging event. This conversion word takes an integer as its first and only option. The converter's abbreviation algorithm will shorten the logger name, usually without significant loss of meaning. Setting the value of length option to zero constitutes an exception. It will cause the conversion word to return the sub-string right to the rightmost dot character in the logger name. The next table provides examples of the abbreviation algorithm in action. | |
Conversion specifier | Logger name | Result |
%logger | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar |
%logger{0} | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | Bar |
%logger{5} | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | m.s.s.Bar |
%logger{10} | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | m.s.s.Bar |
%logger{15} | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | m.s.sample.Bar |
%logger{16} | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | m.sub.sample.Bar |
%logger{26} | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar | mainPackage.sub.sample.Bar |
%file %F | Outputs the file name of the Java source file where the logging request was issued. Generating the file information is not particularly fast. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue. | |
%msg %m %message | Outputs the application-supplied message associated with the logging event. | |
%n | Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or characters. This conversion word offers practically the same performance as using non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. |
Property | Description |
rollingPolicy.class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy |
rollingPolicy.fileNamePattern | ${JBOSS_HOME}/logs/${process.name}.log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.gz Rollover file pattern %i means the number of backup file. If the pattern ends with .gz or .zip, the rollover file is automatically compressed. |
rollingPolicy.maxFileSize | The Maximum file size of the target log file. If the log size reaches this maxFileSize, the rollover is executed. |
rollingPolicy.maxHistory | The optional maxHistory property controls the maximum number of archive files to keep, asynchronously deleting older files. For example, if you specify monthly rollover, and set maxHistory to 6, then 6 months worth of archives files will be kept with files older than 6 months deleted. Note as old archived log files are removed, any folders which were created for the purpose of log file archiving will be removed as appropriate. Setting maxHistory to zero disables archive removal. By default, maxHistory is set to zero, i.e. by default there is no archive removal.
rollingPolicy.totalSizeCap | The optional totalSizeCap property controls the total size of all archive files. Oldest archives are deleted asynchronously when the total size cap is exceeded. The totalSizeCap property requires maxHistory property to be set as well. Moreover, the "max history" restriction is always applied first and the "total size cap" restriction applied second. The totalSizeCap property can be specified in units of bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes by suffixing a numeric value with KB, MB and respectively GB. For example, 5000000, 5000KB, 5MB and 2GB are all valid values, with the first three being equivalent. A numerical value with no suffix is taken to be in units of bytes. By default, totalSizeCap is set to zero, meaning that there is no total size cap. |
STDOUT Appender
Format | Description |
class | ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender |
Encoder pattern is same as File Appender.
Logger defines the target appender of a certain package or class and the trace level.
There are 8 trace levels.
Level | Description |
ALL | The ALL has the lowest possible rank and is intended to turn on all logging. |
OFF | The OFF has the highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging. |
FATAL | The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort. |
ERROR | The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running. |
WARN | The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations. |
INFO | The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. |
DEBUG | The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application. |
TRACE | The TRACE Level designates finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG level. |
com.ism - is main module of ISM runtime
com.xnarum - is main module of ISM runtime
com.zaxxer - is responsible for the communication with the databases
org.quartz - is a module for scheduler
root - default trace level about the other classes than specified here
These are the additional loggers you can add to trace transactions.
com.ism.was.flow.handler - is the package of the task components
com.ism.flow - is the package of the flow controller
If you want to trace the certain components, add loggers of these.
Component | Class |
Router | com.ism.was.flow.handler.RouterTask |
Mapping | com.ism.was.flow.handler.MappingTask |
Function | com.ism.was.flow.handler.ExpressionTask |
SQL Executor | com.ism.was.flow.handler.SQLTask |
SQL Batch Executor | com.ism.was.flow.handler.SQLBatchTask |
Excel Reader | com.ism.was.flow.handler.ExcelReadTask |
Excel Writer | com.ism.was.flow.handler.ExcelWriteTask |
File Input | com.ism.was.flow.handler.FileInputTask |
File Output | com.ism.was.flow.handler.FileOutputTask |
File Validation | com.ism.was.flow.handler.FileValidationTask |
Record Extract | com.ism.was.flow.handler.RecordExtractTask |
FTP Input | com.ism.was.flow.handler.FTPInputTask |
FTP Output | com.ism.was.flow.handler.FTPOutputTask |
FTP InOut | com.ism.was.flow.handler.FTPTransferTask |
REST Client | com.ism.was.flow.handler.RestClientTask |
Webservice Client | com.ism.was.flow.handler.WebserviceClientTask |
Script | com.ism.was.flow.handler.ScriptTask |
Email Sender | com.ism.was.flow.handler.EmailTask |
Java Class | com.ism.was.flow.handler.JavaClassTask |
PGP Encrypt | com.ism.was.flow.handler.PGPEncryptTask |
PGP Decrypt | com.ism.was.flow.handler.PGPDecryptTask |
And these loggers can be added additionally.
Class or package | Description |
com.ism.was.flow.common.FlowUtil | Utility class for parsing parameters |
com.ism.flow.log | This package is used for cache. If you want to trace the cache in detail, set the log level to DEBUG. |
com.ism.flow.executors | This package is used to control the sub flow execution. If you want to trace the execution in detail, set the log level to DEBUG. |
org.apache.http | This package is used for HTTP communication. If you want to trace the detail message of the communication, set the log level to DEBUG |
This logback.xml file is almost same as the previos configuration. The log file name is console.log. jetty.home is system property and is set by jetty while starting the web server.
The loggers are these.
com.ism - is main module of ISM Admin UI
com.xnarum - is main module of ISM Admin UI
com.zaxxer - is responsible for the communication with the databases
org.eclipse - is a module of web server
Last updated